Wednesday 8 May 2013

Ireland or Abroad

Going away, out of the country is a brilliant idea! reminds you of going on holiday. However, working abroad, specially for the first time is totally different story and a lot of pros and cons to consider.

Some thoughts for you to consider perhaps:
  • money or allowance
  • processing documentations
  • contract lease
  • rent accommodation
  • language barrier (non english speaking country)
  • change in weather (too humid)
  • family and friends you'll leave behind
  • being homesick!!!
Although it sounds scary, don't forget the opportunity of learning, maturity and experience you will gain...

Well if you still feel like this is an option for you do check Singapore. This could give you an opportunity to explore other Asian countries...


Helpful website:

Try to be aware of job fares around Ireland and be pro active in inquiring through phone, email or visit personally hospitals and clinics, you'll never know may be it could be your lucky day...

Good Luck!


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