Thursday 9 May 2013

Working Abroad - Canada

If you are thinking about moving to Canada to start or progress your career as a Physiotherapist then this post should be really helpful to you. Canada has a young, vibrant and positive population and a thriving economy. In recent years it has been especially popular with skilled migrant workers as the country is crying out for skilled professionals that can add to the growth of the country. Physiotherapists are included in these wanted skilled workers.

Canada has been described as being very progressive, diverse and multicultural. If you enjoy the outdoors, it's the right place for you. It boasts some of the most fantastic scenery you will find anywhere around the world and there is an abundance of sporting opportunities from skiing, fishing, ice skating, hockey, hunting to name but a few.

If you prefer the city lights as opposed the the great outdoors, Canada also has plenty to offer you. It has many thriving cities such as Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and Edmonton to name but a few. If you love the metropolitan lifestyle then these are the cities for you.

We all are very much aware that the job opportunities in Ireland are not what they once were. Physiotherapists are in big demand in Canada at present, so it might be worth taking moving there into consideration. As an Irish Graduate there are a few steps you need to go through to get registered in Canada. They are outlined below:

  1. Credentialling
  2. On-line Course - Context of Physiotherapy in Canada.
  3. Exams - Written and Practical
  4. Provincial Registration.
Keep an eye out for my next Canada post in which I will be going into detail about each of these steps.


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