Friday 10 May 2013

Working in Canada - Registration Process

As mentioned in my previous post there are a number of steps to get registered in Canada. Most people get discouraged by the process thinking that it is too long, too complicated. Don't worry! It's easy! Hopefully this step by step guide will guide you through the process and give you the details that you need. 

Step 1: Credentialling.
As an internationally educated physiotherapist the first step in the Canadian Application is Credentialling. This process basically compares your University degree and module content with that of the Canadian Universities. The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators are the body that controls Credentialling. Credentialling times vary, but typically take between 12-24 weeks. All the forms to apply for Credentialling can be found here. The cost of Credentialling is $860 which is approx €650. Some of the documents that need to be submitted when applying for Credentialling need to be notarized by a Notary Public, which you can find here.

Step 2: Online Course
Every Internationally educated Physiotherapist also needs to complete an online course called The Context of Physiotherapy Practice in Canada. It basically teaches you how the health care system in Canada works and prepares you for working in their system. You can find out more information about this course here. This course costs $475. You don't have to wait until you have gotten your credentialling approved to do this course, you can do them simultaneously!!

Step 3 : Exams
Canada like so many other countries require internationally trained physiotherapists to sit a competency exam before they are allowed register and practice. There is a written exam and a practical exam. The written exam is usually held about 6 times per year. It is an MCQ style format. The cost to sit the written exam is  $825. Once you have passed your written exam you can get what is called "a restricted licence", what this means is you can practice as a physiotherapist with supervision until you pass your practical exam. Private Practices encourage this a lot, but it is unsure if you want to work in a hospital if you can work with a restricted licence The practical exam is held twice per year, once in June and once in November. Applicants must have passed their written exam before doing the practical exam. The practical exam is a full day long. It costs $1,400 to sit the practical exam. Once you have passed both these exams it means you can have a Full Licence!!!  
Step 4 : Provincial Registration
Each province has their own Physiotherapy Registration board. Even though you have passed your competency exams at this stage, it still does not mean that you can work in any part of Canada. You need to decide what province you want to live and work in, and register with that board.. 
Canadian Provinces
For example in Alberta,  you would apply to Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association for an application of practice permit.The fee for this permit the first time you apply is $830, you renew your registration annually from about $120.

It may seem quiet costly to get up and going in Canada, however when you put it in perspective it's not too bad. The total cost of Credentialling  exams and registrations comes to a total of $4390. Bear in mind that the average wage for a physiotherapist in Canada varies between $27 and $38 per hour. With an standard 40 hour working week, your first months wage will be approx $5120. So it doesn't seem so bad after all!!!

I hope you found this step by step guide helpful. Please comment and let us know what you think or if you have any questions.